Then came the mines, then came the ore

Our plan was to venture south through France and across the the North of Spain this year. Owing to various family events over the last few months, our normal meticulous holiday preparations before we set off were not up to the usual standard and we found we had forgotten a few essentials such as maps of Spain, camping guides to Spain, learning Spanish, checking mileages and one or two other details. However, here we are and at least the weather is familiar, quite British in fact. The BBC weather app assures us that things will slowly improve.
We are staying for the night near Zarautz on the coast. We wandered down the cliffs in the drizzle and stumbled upon what looked like mine workings, but there was a display in Spanish and , helpfully, Basque from which we deduced that mineral ore was mined uphill in land and transported on a complex train type construction over the rocks to be loaded onto ships.
It's all fallen into disuse and disrepair now , but you can just see the stone pillars in this picture , which supported the carriages on an overhead carrier. my extra shows a truck load of ore which has rusted rather picturesquely .
We have travelled very little distance from where we were yesterday, but are hoping to make better progress tomorrow.

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