Treacle Market...


I had never heard of the Treacle Market, but what a treat I had been missing!

'Treacle', apparently owing to Macclesfield being known as Treacle Town, referring to an accident centuries ago, when a horse-drawn carriage overturned and spilled a load of treacle on to the cobbles. (Who knew?).
The market today (last Sunday in the month, except December when it's the last Sunday before Christmas) was buzzing and brimming with excellent food stalls and interesting Other Stuff.
I almost blipped a photo of a stall called 'Dead Things By Kate' - Ethical Taxidermy, but I'm always self conscious photographing people. It would have featured a very pretty girl wearing a (probably excellent example of her trade) wonderful hat.

So, we bought a new (old) door knob (as one does).

And returned home to fix it to the door where the knob keeps falling off and hitting the tiles with a resounding 'crump'.
I expect we shall miss fielding it, it's become quite a sport.

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