
By Fisherking


Another rubbish night's sleep...........not a surprise really after yesterday and my attack of sleeping

A simple day today.............

Fed the, a bowl of cereal

Vacuumed.......watched a documentary about the 1966 World Cup team.

Lunch, a bowl of melon, mango, grapes and pineapple.

Therese visited with two of her grandsons............the cats were a big hit.

A rest after the visit was over.

Garbage out to the bins...........litter tray dealt with............a coffee............watched Question Jury and then Pointless............put towels in washing machine.

Tea.......beans on toast..........a chopped up apple and some cheese.

Soon be time to move the towels into the drier............University Challenge, Only Connect............and maybe a film.

It may not seem to you that I've done much...........but my condition means I need to use my energy wisely............rather than trying to do everything all at once.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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