
The big weekend we had has taken its toll on the girl. She had an exciting time with her Aunty today. They walked daisy dog to the park, baked, played hide and seek in the garden (with daisy dog), did a bit of piano, played frisbee. I met them at 215 and Katie had tried to fall asleep in the car!

We all headed to Costa for a chat & some coffee before Katie and I went to piano lessons. By this point she was so tired it was almost comical. She played pretty well but couldn't handle mistakes or change- there was a chord pattern that didn't work with little 6 yr old hands and she got quite cross at having to play it not how it was written. This lesson had lots of mama cuddles & a lot of understanding patience from B. Katie watched Hop in the lounge whilst I had my lesson and she was only just awake when I finished.

When we got home, we had to play hunt the rabbit. Ours has been on an escape mission since Ernie died and succeeded today. It wasn't going well. So we popped to get tea sorted, came back and our neighbour knocked to say Bert was in our garden. We tried to catch her but discovered she's found a way into our neighbours shed. Thankfully between us we coaxed her out the shed and caught her before putting her into her repositioned hutch & run that she couldn't escape. New hutch had already been purchased, just not collected yet!

Katie did a bit of clarinet after tea before deciding she was too tired for anything else. She snuggled in my bed with monkey, travel monkey and her gorgeous new silk blanket

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