I found her sitting on the branch all on her own. She let me come near her, and I asked her if she should not be training right now.
I am no part of the chosen, she said, but I decided to come here anyway.
You know, in the preselection of the rhythmic gymnastics, it was there that I found again a friend of mine, who I had not seen for a long time.
We had been best friends for years. She was qualified for the Games and I decided to come too, to watch, to stimulate and care for her.
I got a job at the canteen, but to my big surprise I was yesterday asked by the executive director  if I would like to serve in the Grand Hotel where the big Ones live..
He explained that only the immaculate, the most beautiful, and the ones with the prettiest smiles were selected for this honourable job.
This surprised me, because I would have thought that skills would be an asset.
I nevertheless accepted, but found out soon that I hardly would have time left to watch the training of my friend, to have a cup of sweet nectar with her and that when she went to bed early, I could go to sleep very late at night.
I will persevere, but you can imagine I do it with a heavy heart.

This is my contribution for the Tiny Tuesday Challenge, thanks to osuzanna for hosting this wonderful challenge,
And I thank dbifulco for the opportunity to report on the Alternative Olympic Games 2016. The big opening day will be Friday the 5th of August.

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