White butterflies

White butterflies can be as stunning as the more flamboyant reds or blues.

It's just as well. We don't seem to have the full range of colours this year, although the whites are having a whale of a time.

A couple of days ago my second cousin from Toronto nominated me for the Seven Day Nature Photography Challenge. The idea is to post on Facebook one nature photo per day (not necessarily taken on that day) and to nominate someone on each of the seven days to carry on the theme.

It's been good for me to revisit my photos over the last few years to choose my seven favourites, a bit like the discipline of choosing the best photo every day for Blip. I've revisited some of the kingfisher and butterfly photos - and my Madeira memories too. Today I also revisited Baddesley Clinton, where I took my favourite dahlia bed shot. Sadly, even though it was sunny, I only saw one Small Tortoiseshell and one Gatekeeper - but I couldn't resist the beauty of the whites on the fabulous flowers.

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