Shugborough Butterflies

I headed over to Shugborough Hall to do a Big Butterfly Count. I've been there each year and have always found a lovely variety of butterflies, particularly in their "Butterfly Garden".

I got there, having only seen whites in the Walled Garden, and the heavens opened. The forecast had been for showers and sunshine which is why I'd decided to go. No point in going in the rain and getting a zero count !  I sat half sheltered from the downpour just by the garden and put a "Butterfly Garden but no butterflies" moan on Facebook.

Then the rain went away - and it was wonderful.  I spotted the Painted Lady  early and followed her around her favourite echinaceas. Then I saw two Commas, two Small Tortoiseshells, a couple of Peacocks,  more whites, a solitary Red Admiral and a fabulous Dragonfly.

So it was worth while in the end.

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