You've been framed.

J dropped me in town this morning, as I wanted to get a few things in town, before I went to Open Church. It was my turn for volunteering today, and although  we didn't have that many people in, the few that did, were very interesting indeed.  As soon as we opened, Roy, who is a regular ,came in  and had a cuppa with us, and not long after, a youngish, lady  appeared. Kevin went to speak to her, but she was deaf & dumb. She sat down, and we communicated by writing messages on her phone. She was from Estonia originally, and has lived in this area for the last 13 years, and her name was Katrina. She was divorced and has five children. She liked my handbag, and wanted to know where I had bought it. One of her children was named Kevin, so our Kevin was very impressed with that. He took her to ring the bells, and she was thrilled. While they were gone, another lady called in, and I went to welcome her, and offered her tea or coffee, which she declined.   She went on to tell me that she was married in the church, and that her mother and father, and grandparents used to worship  in the church, and sit in the fourth pew. During the war, her mother, and grandmother were sitting on the left side of the church, and the German prisoners of war who were  incarcerated, at Island Farm, prisoner of  war camp, were sitting on the opposite side. How ironic to think that the father & grandfather were away at war, and the enemy were sitting just yards away.  Such strange times.
Katrina stayed with us until we closed, and although we had difficulty communicating, she was such a lovely happy person. When I left, I walked to the gym, worked out, then J met me. A very enjoyable day indeed.

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