Here's looking at you ..........!

Today's the day ........................... to be at home

Readers of this journal might well think that I'm always off gallivanting - and that's not far from the truth.  The retired life is such a great thing to be able to enjoy - and there are so many fascinating things out there waiting to be seen and experienced - and taken a picture of. 

That's where blipping comes in - because the best thing of all is sharing these pictures and experiences, knowing that there are people out there who are going to enjoy looking at them too - for a variety of reasons.  And it also means that I have a treasure trove of memories that I can look back on any time I wish.

So here I am - six years in - and loving it every bit as much as when I started.  A daily blip for me is a 'touching base' - wherever I am - a sort of coming home.  Thank you for looking.  You really make my day ......................... 

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