Tessa and Rob

Today's the day .......................... for a swimming lesson

Went with Tessa and Rob to the swimming pool at Sanquhar - to watch them join in the special Friday session for babies and toddlers. 

Tessa has been going for a while and even at 20 months is an old hand at the game.  There's a very good instructress on hand to put everyone through their paces and get even the tiniest of babies to feel quite at ease swimming under water.  Not being the best of swimmers myself, I have to admit to an open-mouthed expression of shock as the first one was pulled under!  But at the same time, I know that there is a primeval instinct in all humans not to breathe in when under water - and that this is the best time to reinforce this.

At any rate, they all survived - and in fact, they all seemed quite happy - including Tessa and her Dad .......................... 

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