Day 3: Taking The Mickey (part 2)

We paid extra for a fairly unappetising breakfast but with the pleasure of being constantly interrupted by over-cheerful Disney characters. Our 8 o'clock booking meant that as soon as we'd finished, we were in a good position to get to the best rides first so we hot footed it back to Space Moutain and the fun began again. unfortunately, so did the rain...
A tram tour of the studio park was the best bit. We encountered earthquakes, fire and flood which was great. An amazing couple of days and a magical experience but we felt like we'd had enough so said goodbye to Mickey and his mates and set off back to the real world.
After lunch we left Disney and drove across to Epernay in the champagne region. We wandered into town and had a champagne tasting by a young lady with excellent English who had worked in the uk for a while and loves Cambridge so we had lots to talk about, including her love of Pork Scratchings and intense dislike of marmite!!
Slightly squiffy, we ate at a fantastic little restaurant where we got a little bit more squiffy on fairly decent red wine then crawled back to our hotel and crashed out.

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