Day 4; Fruity

A very long day of driving today. Or rather, D was driving, I was navigating, passing food and water, retuning the radio every 5 minutes and entertaining him with my amazing singing.
The children were attached to their phones the whole time but occasionally surfaced to pass comment on the amazing mountains, tunnels and various weather conditions.
We are now in Turin at a most amazing hotel which is famous for having a race track in the roof, used in The Italian Job.
We went up there to look out at the fabulous views but I didn't last long as it made my legs a bit wobbly.
We ventured out into the town for pasta tonight. It was a bit like eating in an upmarket supermarket like Waitrose with a variety of Italian restaurants around the edge where you could choose meat, fish, pasta, pizza etc. We all had pasta.
The children are now chilling in their room and D and I are enjoying the beautiful hotel gardens with a nightcap before we go up for the night.
A shortish journey tomorrow then hopefully some time to relax after all this travelling.

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