They really didn't bite me. That is meant for my daughter Karen. She decided one time in Florida that she would pick up a big handful of red ants that were mounded near the pool. She cried out..."Aaaaannntttsss biiitte meee!." Her little arms and legs really welted up...but I think she learned to stay away from the ants.

Speaking of biting...the Olympics are really biting into my camera time. The heat (97 F) isn't helping much either. After watching Roger Federer, the men's beach volleyball, and now the women's 10,000 meter...I didn't go outside until almost 4 p.m. (Didn't want to miss anything!)

Armed with my close-up lenses...I hit my usual percentage. 200 shots...about 5 in focus. Had a great yellow spider on a yellow daisy. Couldn't capture it. So...ants on a queens lace it will have to be.

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