The clock is ticking!

This is known as the Clock Lodge. It's an old Lochgilphead building that had the Council had their heads screwed on should be an excellent site for the areas hisoric archives with a history centre and tasteful retail area.Insted as you can see its a ruinous eyesore that they probably hoped would have fallen down lest they had to shore it up. Now the town planners (there's an oxymoron of a word) have decided in their wisdom to build an industrial area right next to it! The only concession to the beautiful building is they are going to make it wind & water tight! Big bloody deal. The first intro into the town instead of a lovely welcoming historical building being well used instead they will see an ugly store selling jabs for sheep with worms, bales of hay, chicken feed and fancy priced jodpurs and horsey clothes! I ask you ! This has to be the stupidiest council north of the Clyde. Add to that the disruption of lorries diggers etc on the only road into the town. Clever these town planners! NOT

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