Wong everything!

This morning the wrong Broadband speed, thought my blip pal was going to wreck my computer as it was so slow!
Hubby & I then decided to go down to Campbeltown to see the Kintyre Show. All was fine with the show which took place yesterday!!! so wrong day for that one. We then went for a good plod along Macrihanish beach and a few other spots for the dogs and decided to go to the Tin Roof Diner for dinner. It was excellent as usual and finally we thought we might as well go to the Vigil mass so we didn't have to get up at an  ungodly hour tomorrow. Toddled along to the church, it was looking suspiciously quiet!! Read the notice. 6pm Vigil mass every Sat (except the first Sat of each month) Yes you guessed it, wrong Sat.! We finally came home but all in all we did have a good day despite my hapless misreading of the show dates etc.

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