Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Monday -- Shoreline Illumination

We walked the shoreline during the last hour of light this evening; this is a beautiful experience as the sun illuminates the distant hills and all the houses that cling to those hills stand erect in its spotlight.

Earlier in the day we had driven to Los Osos to attend the Farmers Market to purchase and stock-up on soup. Our soup chef Stephanie makes delicious soups. This week her flavors are Ayruvedic Dhal (coconut curried lentil) and creamy roasted zucchini. We almost always purchase two jars of each flavor, but we neither one are fond of curry, so we only bought the zucchini flavor.

This has been a lovely Monday.
I can hardly believe August has arrived.
Rosie ( & Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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