On our way down to down we called in at the Volly for the lunchtime session where I sang a song that George heard me do yesterday and had asked for particularly. Then we had a good wander around town - Mr H may or may not have bought a Hawaiian shirt.

I'm sure that a lot of punters were hoping to go to Sidmouth and, helped by the lack of wifi and phone signals, manage to forget about current news stories. We found a very pleasant coffee shop which was housed in a thoughtful conversion of a high-class grocers shop - unfortunately the owner had left his name on the door step.

I did a solo set in the Bedford in the evening - it was as hot as last time (eg sweaty in the extreme) and the sound left something to be desired, or at least it did from where I was standing. Still, it seemed well received and folk bought lots of CDs.

Another 13000+ steps!

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