horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

The Day of 'Rest'

With no plans for the day, and heavy legs from the walking yesterday, it was a meandering day. Popped down the park first thing, having a frustrating, though fun, time watching and not photographing a Kingfisher; managed not to buy any doughnuts from the new bakery in Porty which it turns out didn't open till 10 (having a day off GF given dinner plans); breakfast; tidy the house; into town on the bus to soak up the festival atmosphere, which was strangely lacking along George Street, with the closed off sections not yet open with bars and eateries; late lunch at El Cartel, which was superb; Taylor Wessing exhibition at the Portrait Gallery (which I liked, but Mel found underwhelming); another wander in the park while Mel slept off the margaritas at lunch; and now to sort out dinner while watching the women's road race in the Olympics.

Oh, and finishing off and trying to learn my piece of poetry for tomorrow night's terrifying/exciting show.

Weekends are always too short....

Day 7
Target 158.2 miles
Actual 135.8 miles
Diff. -22.4 miles

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