horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Alpine Borders

Lovely day for a walk in the hills south of Peebles today. It has turned into a bit of a favourite loop this one (even if today, save for some Mipits and a Kestrel pair, the wildlife was hiding). The Hydro in the shot looking like something out of an Alpine Bond setting or something.

Got in a spin on the bike first thing, which was a good ego boost, given I popped round Arthur's Seat for the first time in ages, and despite keeping something in the tank, and having had no breakfast and forgetting my water, walked away with a raft of PBs for the climb. That felt good.

I've been trying all day to embed in my head some of a poem I'm writing just now, because on Monday night I'm going to be taking part in a show by the Blind Poetics group. Basically an open mic night, but a biggie. Last week I found out I hadn't made the list, but a drop-out means a space opened up yesterday. Terrifying and exciting at the same time.

But in the meantime, Olympic road race on the telly...

Day 6
Target 135.6 miles
Actual 135.8 miles
Diff. +0.2 miles

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