Doggie Dominance

Nope…it's not the big senior citizen black lab. In fact, he has mastered the art of 'lying doggo'. It seems to be the best approach, since Olive finds it necessary to stand over Ozzie's  assert her dominance whenever OilMan is around. I imagine Ozzie finds it preferable to being bashed in the head by Blake who is just trying to play with him….Doggie dynamics are sometimes obvious and sometimes totally opaque….

I did some multitasking today…watching the Olympics women's cycling road race whilst knitting,  picking green beans, making a salad out of them with tomatoes and tarragon, and mopping the kitchen floor. 

Unfortunately I didn't multitask enough to prevent me from seeing the horrific crash of the leader, Dutch rider Annemiek van Vleuten. As she lay sprawled across the curb, unmoving, the cameras and the race went on down the road as Mara Abbott of the United States held off the rest of the field until Van Vleuten's teammate  Anna van der Breggen caught her within sight of the finish line. Exciting as the finish was, I don't think anyone cared about it, especially the winner.

I had to resort to Google to learn that  van Vleuten is in intensive care with a severe concussion and three broken lumbar vertebrae…certainly not a great report but a lot better than the alternative I imagined in the absence of any reports on her condition during the coverage of the race. The fact that several of the men crashed out of their race yesterday in the same place makes me wonder if they (the race organizers and the cyclists alike) aren't pushing the limits just a little too far. 

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