
By cowgirl

Kermit the Mog

Me " trying him for size " - I think his owner is looking for a buyer, judging by all the flattery he was giving me ( oh yes, you look good in there, born to drive a moggy ... ) and all the gen on Kermit's attributes!

Needless to say, I didn't buy anything except a coffee today. Mind you, when I woke up I was just happy to find we were still in the same field after the high winds and rain had battered us for half the night!

The weather was a bit threatening, but pretty much managed to stay dry until later. Today was show day and the field soon filled up with MG's with the handful of important cars, the Morris Minors, nestled in there too. The MG Owners Club very kindly awarded two trophies to Morris owners, one for best original and one for best modified, which they get to keep.

The Moggy owners ( and me! ) get to vote for our favourite car and I was very chuffed for one of our Scottish friends who won that with his rat rod pick up ( my extra ). He has to give the trophy back next year, so has been instructed NOT to modify it in the meanwhile!

The time came for me to leave and I was given another trip in a moggy to the station and from then on the sun seemed to shine all the way. Some of the guys drove back up to Scotland in the pouring rain.

When I got home, Sav showed me what he'd been doing which will be my blip for tomorrow!

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