Berry Thief...
.. It's been the best day yet (in the new garden) for seeing and hearing birds.
I heard and saw a nuthatch earlier - I was so surprised I didn't capture it at all well on camera, but I was satisfied to have caught this culprit in the act.. It seems that, as far as who gets to the berries first in this garden, it's every man for himself!
I'm behind (already) with blips and comments. I had lovely weekend visitors, so was quite busy on the 'look after them' front.
And just at that hectic time, I found my SD card was full (and the new one not easily to hand from the house move... Because, much like ash trays in cars, once they're full you need a new one. Right?).
I probably have a couple of emergency shots that I can use.. Maybe.
Oh! It's lovely to be able to blip a bird after what seems like an age!
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