The morning after

Well, the afternoon after. I had to work today. Katie was going to get up and go to our friends who live next door to the ones we partied with. Except that at 815 when I had to leave, she wouldn't stir. Not even for bacon sarnies. So I left her in the tent. She did surface in time to go to church with grace and family; I got a text to say she was sat on her cousins knee by 10,10.

After church they went back to their house. Graces dad had previously promised Katie that one day she could go round and he would cook her fajitas; he kept his word. She didn't like the guacamole at all! They had a play before kindly going to pack our tent up. When I arrived back from work they were starting a game of scuttles. After which Katie decided she needed to go on the zip wire.

It was piano lessons for both of us when we got back. She had a wee meltdown & said she needed monkey, who she hadnt seen for a few days. Whilst I was gone she did brilliantly. I had mine and she was very definitely ready to snuggle with some tv for a while

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