
Today has been a day of ups and downs.

Down: stroppy child all morning
Up: a great day planned with family and friends
Down: travel sick Katie on the first journey of the day
Up: excellent photo session for my cousins and families. And taking my girl.
Down: the fortune it cost me to buy cleaning products for my stinky car
Up: watching my girl crawl on the bridge and look at tom like he was fairly stupid when challenged to what she was doing - "I'm being a donkey, Tom!" Of course.
Down: stroppy teenage girls
Up: harbour bar ice cream as photo props. We also got to partake
DOWN DOWN DOWN: missing our train, breaking the girls wee heart, paying £85 for new train tickets when the originals had already been painful.

But!!! Up up up!!! We made it to London, she did a new "chicken nugget dance" of joy at Kings cross. Then tonight I took Katie to the ROH for the first time, to see the Bolshoi do Swan Lake. And we managed to find Carys (and her mama) right outside the Royal ballet school! Pretty apt place for the two little ballerinas to meet! Katie was fairly over excited but did chill out in time for a phenomenal performance. It was incredible. And she loved it so much. I loved seeing how she now is not only enthralled by the dance but by the orchestra too. She likes sitting in the cheap, high up seats so that she can see the pit. I love seeing the moments where she sits bolt upright on my lap and leans to take in every beat, every moment. Add to it that she was allowed TWO ice creams in one day and she was a happy girl.

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