
Day in the smoke!!

This time with our lovely friends ThePinks. Katie and Miss Pink are great friends, though Katie was on full bounce from the word go!! We had a great day. We found 10 dream jars over the course of the day. We have all walked miles and seen lots of sights including The Museum of London, the Barbican, Marble Arch, Bond Street and much more! We went to Buckingham Palace and saw the changing of the guard & had a chat to the police man at the gates. The girls enjoyed St James' Park play area. We went to Trafalgar Square where katie greeted the "Katie in London" lions. And where we found our lovely J! We took the girls to M&M world before big goodbye cuddles with J. Afternoon tea at libertys followed and all four girls enjoyed the fabric! We found a few more dream jars on our travels, which took us down to Marble Arch. At which point it was very definitely teatime for little people. It was soon gone 6pm and time for trains home. The end of another wonderful London adventure.

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