Mar In Urbana

By MarMilner

Sleepy Saturday Morning

Okay, I was just doing fine kinda dozing off here on mom's desk while she looks at others journals. She takes one look at me and you guessed it. Out comes that darn camera again. That can only mean one thing. I am once again her blip for the day. Can't you see how restful I looked to begin with? Then it the last blip I am fully alive again. Funny thing is you should see me now as she types this. I am completly stretched out and ready to go back to sleep.

Actually Cuddles hasn't been herself lately. She has lost some weight. Doesn't seem all that interested in eating. Took her to the vets this week and they ran a bunch of tests on her but couldn't find anything wrong with her. The strangest thing is where she now spends most of her time. This just isn't like Cuddles.

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