A quiet sort of day

Not a busy day but I did jack my car up and undo enough of the wheel arch guard thingy to see if I could fix my door.
After the woman next door hit my car (drivers side), and the incompetent repair by Baylis in Cheltenham, the door has never been right and that led to the snapping of the bolt that holds the restraining bar for the door. I've tried a few things, including the use of the metal cavity fixings that I used to repair the holes in my bike exhaust baffle. It works but only temporarily.
As it happens I could not get to the hole where the bolt is missing, there is an additional panel inside the wing that prevented me presenting a nut to the bolt that I had put into the hole.
I'm going to have to enlist the welding expertise of Luke, future son-in-law, I think.
I also sprayed by bike chain with 'Chain-Lube', can't do this often enough and I want to look after my new chain and sprockets.

This was on Jonty's second walk of the day. King George V playing fields has a section with lots of different trees. Jonty seemed to like the shade under the Willow.
Foxy? he ran upstairs when I got the leads out!

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