
We've said adios to Spain today and are now back in France which is slightly more familiar territory for us.
Before we left the area we stayed in last night we drove up to this 11th century Castle built among the rocky pinnacles at the foot of the Pyrenees at the edge of the plain where the mediaeval occupants could see for miles to repel invading forces.
Then we drove over into France and realised we had run out of cash.
International incidents caused by LooseCanon today: 2
First we set Tomtom the perfectly reasonable task of taking us to the nearest cash point. I rather fancied going to a place called Lescun. It was on a wiggly road up a dead end. Just the sort of place I like, and sure enough Tomtom said there was a bank there with a cash point. Admittedly it did seem a tad unlikely as we drove up the most beautiful mountain road with soaring Pyrenees ahead of us.
Satnavs can lie and it did. We drove into a tiny narrow village square with no room to swing a 2 CV , let alone to manoeuvre a motorhome. We stopped the traffic in all directions while we asked a local lady whether there was a bank there. ' Mais non' she said , aghast, it is only a small village, and she redirected us to Bedous up the road. Oops. I had to run down the road to stop the cars coming up whilst LooseCanon did an umpteen point turn to extricate us from our predicament.
We went to look at another campsite nearby hoping they would accept credit cards but they didn't and were full up anyway. LooseCanon popped the keys in his back pocket, promptly forgot where he had put them, then accidentally set off the deafening motorhome alarm. Amid rising panic he couldn't think where he had put them.
Small children ran away stuffing their fingers in their ears and had to be consoled by their anxious parents.
We have decided we will return to the Pyrenees, maybe next year. I hope they will have forgotten us by then.
We are now in Oloron Sainte Marie, stuffed with steak frites and a bottle of red, and it all seems so much better now.

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