
By Fisherking

...........Wwhhoooooooo are you?........

It rained over night.............the shale got a good wash.........and the colour looks great.

Steve came back this morning to do the final clear up..............and then we worked out the bill! I gave him  crate of beer for the young lads and a nice bottle of red for himself.

Busy day for me after Steve left...........the usual domestic a few things that have been on hold since the garden work began.

The S & H and Hannah..pus the Daughter checked in around tea time to have a look at the garden.......Hannah gave the grass her approval.

I'm hoping for a few quiet days............although if any one wants to visit I'm open any time.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

I've been challenged to do a 7 day Nature project, not easy when it's hard to get out of the house, I wonder if this counts?

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