Giant Haystacks!

The farmer was in the field early this morning collecting some of his bales so I didn't think I'd get to take Scarlett, but after he'd taken the first batch, he didn't come back.  So after breakfast we went round and I lifted her onto the hay bale, and we saw Rachel at the landing window watching us which is why Scarlett was waving.  As we walked back, she said it had been fun!

We had a lazy morning at home - well, I did some ironing while Violet had a nap, and then we went to the marina.  We took Scarlett's scooter and we walked along the boardwalk, past the fishing boats and down to the undercliff walk where we went on the beach.  

We walked back to the marina and had an early dinner at Prezzo, another freebie courtesy of our Tesco points - we've done ok out of Tesco this week!

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