Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Play Date

We've had a day at home today and had a few visitors which has been nice. This morning Kirsty who I used to work with came round with her two boys, Evan who's 3 and Rowan who's 6.

Then this afternoon Sandra came round with Nieve who's now 7 months, and later on Lisa-Jane popped over to meet Rach and the girls.

Tonight I've had an appointment with David, my oncologist - just my regular 6 weekly check up to see how I'm doing. We discussed a few issues, and he's now going to refer me for genetic testing as I have my girls to think of. I also asked when I would have my next mammogram as that will give me peace of mind that I'm 'clear', but he said it's normally a year after chemo, so January next year.

Anyway at the moment all's good, and tonight we've been sat in the garden, drinking prosecco whilst watching the sun go down - now we've retired to the 'palace'. Rach made us laugh - she said 'you've got a house worth £xxx,000 and we're sat in a shed' lol!

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