so I went for a 5 mile run in the, the location! massive hills and waterfalls on either side and me dodging the sheep and constant stream of caravans and campers going up and down the single track road. it was warm, cloudy, sweaty and stunning.

then we all walked the 10 mile round trip to the fairy pools...we thought it was 6 miles so it was a loooong walk for us all but it was ace fun and we dooked in some waterfalls and pools along the way. the kids were great.

the fairy pools themselves were hoaching with tourists. kinda takes the magic away...and they're not as blue as the photographers make them look, but lovely all the same. peggy was right in despite the water being freezing, so quite a few took photos of her. the more I go away to the west coast, the more I realise that I like to be where others are other pools, just as magic, are more for us.

we saw an eagle on the way home - massive and white tailed - the biggest in the uk! it was low at first then used the thermals to glide with no effort up to the heights of the cuillins cliffs where it might have had babies waiting for food. so ace.

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