Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Family Portrait

My Fab3&me in an attempt to make some family pix for their papa who'll celebrate his 70th anniversary early next month (he & Bill Clinton are of same age with only a fortnight of difference).
Our daughter will visit her papa soon and surely celebrate his special birthday with him ~ altho' it's customary to celebrate one's nameday in Greece, since the globalisation started off and took on in Greece too, birthdays are remembered  by the younger generations and celebrated with some extra sweets and kisses from the relatives and dearest friends nowadays.
As my ex remarried with a woman of British origin, he surely has learned to celebrate his birthdays next to his namedays and this year his birthday is celebrated extra from his nameday;  our first born will be with him then.

added an extra of my threesome what expresses their bond to me as typical; close & teasing

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