Wouldn't it be nice to be together

I binged watched 'Brief Encounters' tonight and Himself emerged dusty and sweaty (not a good mix but i still find it exceptionally attractive).. And found me teary eye'd and sniffling

It wasn't so much the story, or the acting - although both have been amazing; it was the music. I was there, reliving my 1982. New romantics galore and too much make up; broken hearts and work shit.

Those 1982 songs just took me right back.

Ann Summers was all the rage; i toyed with being an agent, but the requirements and targets seemed awfully far reaching for something supposed to be so much fun.

I remember one party - one of the lassies lived upstairs and agreed that one of the
Other gals could go up and chap the door to her husband - in a naughty maid outfit; all good and well except it wasn't the husband who answered the door it was the seven year old son 'eh, i've just popped up for a cup of sugar son is that okay?'

Not a flicker!

Oh, and i'm trying origami

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