Watch that Fringe and See how it flutters...
A glorious day - an afternoon of Summer Holidays. The type of day that you remember; the rainy, cloudy, windy days are forgotten, and the whole of summer is encapsulated in that one moment.
Children are in the park - the majority of them are hard at work at a massive football game. Some younger ones are sitting to one side, contemplating either whether to join in, or which ones they fancy. Another small group are sitting, standing, swinging, lazing around the "play park". The noise is happy, and cheerful. Lots of laughing, shouting, and whooping.
Small boys shoot past the door on their bikes, their scooters, little girls squealing behind them on the roller blades - all suitably fitted out with helmets. We had no fear in the olden days eh? Nor law suites.
The cycle home from work was a pleasure, 27 rabbits, 2 tits (birdlike), a heron, 8 other cyclists 12 dog walkers, 14 dogs. One fly devoured despite the wearing of the fly - defeating mask.
When I got in I was too full of the joys of sunshine to sit still, I dragged the mower from the shed, and I'd like to say I sped round the garden, but it was more of a hobble and wobble, dragging garden furniture from one end to the other, from one side to the other.
Then I mowed the front lawn too - then I "weeded" and "deadheaded" the wild flowers. The weight of them was starting to collapse the whole border. It looks a whole lot better now - but the whole area needs a good weeding.
Then it was the weeds on the border side of the pavement. Then I swept it all up and put it in the recycle bin.
By this time, the air was as still as still can be. The midgies were flying high, and I was itching like crazy.
A cool shower and now I'm comfy - washed and clean and shiny and chilled. ready for some crochet and some tv.
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