Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Vivat Lingua Latina

Today's been a day for studies. Not Latin, that's what's to come this autumn but an online university course in image processing. I've fallen behind and are now doing my best to finish that before my course in Latin starts. It's really interesting and I'm learning a lot! :) I have a couple of hours left and then some things to produce to the teachers and an online test.
This book I've borrowed at the library. It's too expensive to buy, so I'll make do with the library book. It's not the first time I'm taking Latin, I've read it in school when I was younger but I've had a small dream to take a course at university and now I am. :)
One of my favourite proverbs in Latin is: Omnia meam mecum porto, which, if I remember it right is translated Everything mine I carry with me. I only know the Swedish translation, so it might be something different in English. Perhaps someone knows?

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