New word into MY language.

Stand by for a "TWINE".

We have already got strange verbs like "To Podium" & "To Chart", although Chart can be used - not in the way I'm meaning "The record failed to chart".
There's a bloke singing, recently, who says he has a feeling which gets "Electricated" when he turns it on. So, in the light of those, why NOT Amerification?

"They" have already started to label "Crisps" as "Chips", - there's a movement towards "Monday through Friday" rather than the time honoured Brit version(s) and Biscuits seem to be turning into Cookies, etc.
"When Ah waz a lad", we used to sup this stuff - only we called it Sarsaparilla (Pronounced by most "Sasparella")
This label has the sheer gaul to
1. Call "Pop" SODA.
2. Say it's "Traditional"
3. Rechristen it "Root Beer".
Returned to add...
4. I see nothing "traditional", either, about a "Crown Cork" closure designed to be pulled off by hand.
In fact, just about the only thing I have NO complaint about it the Square Root sign.

Twine over.

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