I was gobsmacked.

So - there I stood, gazing idly out over God's tiny acre, watching a great guzzling Greenfinch and I beheld a dark blob at the far side of a cluster of Annabelle flowers.

Thinks ..."There's never a leaf there. Go and check - see if I'm right."
So I did - and I was.
A ruddy great snail Vegeteering up Annabelle for a snack.
WHY so high? Are the flowers a particular delicacy or I'm merely afflicted by Space-age snails which prefer height?
Or are they really lighter as they move away from Earth's gravity pull?

Same detail in the greenhouse - to avoid poisoning the resident flock of frogs I put Slug pellets "Organic/safe" (Supposedly) on high ledges above the walls and slay many snails up at 4-5'.

Above - the snail I saw, about the size of a 10P piece,
or a $0.25 to you other lot.
Below - an indication of its height (Circled)

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