Hanging Around
(bck blp)
This female Hooded oriole has a new trick. She soars in (seemingly always from the same direction - SE), grabs onto the shepherd's hook pole then hops back and forth between it and the hummingbird feeder. After she gets her fill, she soars into the ocotillo to rest for a few moments then flies back from where she came. If I wait long enough, I might see this act repeated a couple more times. I've only noticed it, though, when I have the feeder shown in yesterday's blip. I'll need to watch for the same behavior when I have the platform feeders hanging.
Lots of action at the feeders in West Texas on the Live Hummingbird Camera site. I'll often go there, open a new tab to sign in on a different site, or minimize the page when I need to return to the desktop, just so I can listen to the sounds of the birds. I haven't been able to sit outside on the patio or open the windows in the morning because of the temperatures for months so just hearing them brightens my day.
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