A Day of Numbers, Time, and Love

We lost Eric's sister ten years ago this month to breast cancer and Parkinson's. Her oldest daughter and family were visiting in Oregon this week and came over for dinner on this very hot day. We rigged up our long carport with a fan, kept the concrete floor sprayed, and stayed as cool as could be expected. (No ac in our121-yr-old house.) Then Eric suggested looking at our wedding album as it was also our 28th anniversary. So we looked at many snapshots at the big wedding picnic we had at Oxbow Park. (On my mother's 75th birthday.) It was fun to see how we've all changed and to share anecdotes. Another of Eric's nieces is in this picture, too, in the red top.
And, I want to point out that the album was made for us by fellow Blipper, SoozaDay. She and Mister S came up that year and helped shepard us through the frenzy making it the special day it was.
Oh, after dinner, we didn't get around to making lavender wands, but played Bananagrams and had short rides around the neighborhood in our 24' Model T. I remember my grandparents' 50th anniversary where my brother and I rode a decorated tricycle down the church aisle (one with a wagon attached - not pulled by, but actually part of the trike) while cousins sang, ". . . They rode the old gray fliver to the church by the river on their golden wedding day."

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