Thy will be done.

On our way to Lidl this morning, we stopped off at Llansantffraid Church. Both of my great grandparents are buried there, and both graves are on opposite corners at the back of the church walls.You can see both graves in my extras. The first extra is Edward Albert, who died at Parc Slip mining disaster, and his wife Annie. The headstone reads, 
                           Fear not dear wife but be content,
                            For I to thee was only leant,
                           The Lord will also claim his due
                              And very soon will call on you.
Not a very nice epitaph, but then she did go on to marry twice more. The other grave is of my great grandparents, on my mother side. The church yard is now very overgrown in places. I have been a bridesmaid many times at this church, and yes,  despite the verse that says, Three times a bridsemaid, never a bride, I did indeed, but not at this church.

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