Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Spiral Staircase

Up early this morning to meet LR and SR at Threipmuir for a swim. First swim since the Spey sprint tri. Bit cold to start but nice to get in and do just over 1K. Came back and got ready to go to the whisky fringe at Mansfield Traquair, an old church in Edinburgh. Met RD and FM and a few of her friends and relatives. Had a 4 hours drinking whisky. Best being an Octomore from Bruchladdie and the Ardbeg half time orange. J spent the afternoon walking up town with her parents and Kilda, who was very well behaved. They met another Spanish Water Dog who was related to Kilda. Came home for roast Lamb and a nigh catching up on yesterdays Olympic action. This week’s theme is black and white. The photo I wanted for Monday is on the card in the camera having a sensor clean so here are the steps at the whisky fringe. Always amazes me that no one falls down the spiral staircase here after all the whisky that is dunk. Thanks to FM and RD for a great afternoon and the ticket.

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