Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Making a call

Up early this morning and out on the bike to do some messages. Went done to get some new bike shoes. Had to order them in but got a barging. £250 of shoes for £100. Also got Kilda some chews for holiday including a cow’s ear and some more medication. She still has Giardia but isn’t showing some symptoms. This lot of medication should get rid of it once and for all but might make her feel wobbly on her feet so we needed to be with her for the 5 day course just in case. Came back and took Kilda to Cammo for a walk before going to Go Outdoors to get some camping stuff. Came home and went up town for a look around. Bought some clothes for the big holiday. Spent some time in White Stuff. They are very dog friendly in there and the staff can even bring their own dogs to work. Her is Kilda making a call in the phone booth they have a part of the display. Chinese for tea before watching some of the Olympics.

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