Because this is who I am

By Brighde


look at his little face.

It had only been like two minutes and he was already sick of me taking pictures of him.

You can tell he's been away for 16 days from the amount of facial hair. His eye brows are becoming to make one. Never ever a look.

Its quite sad really because I saw him on friday and saturday but I'm not sure if he's coming over tonight to sleep over cause I'm going on holiday tomorrow for 3 nights, to Llandudno. Which is clearly in Wales. But yeah, so even more missing but its okay because I can speak to him properly now hes in this country.

Obviously, he would come over today- day time but I'm at work 12-5ish. So no John for me, we're having a big family meal today because everyone's up. So i really wanted John to be apart of it, plus I think he could use some decent sunday dinner food.

Happy blipping!

I'm so glad you're home.

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