Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Sister Sister

These are all my sisters, whether they are real or not, they all are.

Look at me trying to be all snazzy with a frame. Some of these photos are a bit crap because everyone was in my way behind me and I couldn't move so I'm apologetic for the silly framing of the photo.

So, I was supposed to go to work today. I start at 12 so about 11:15, 15 mins before I leave they ring me saying they don't need me today because its raining and it'll be quiet. Obviously by this point I had already done my hair and makeup and I was annoyed. Because I had gotten out of bed for no reason and wasted my lipstick. So I'm sulking in bed whilst being forever engrossed in Netflix's range of chick flicks. I will make food soon, and it'll be greasy and delicious.

Happy Blipping.

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