Azores - Terceira to Faial

The day dawned stormy and grey and, as it's the 15th August and the Feast of the Assumption, places were shut.

Our intrepid guide was undaunted and swapped round our itinerary to start with a visit to the top of Mount Brasil, overlooking the Workd Heritage city of Angra do Heroismo. The rain stopped and we were treated to dramatic views over the two bays, the strategically important position, both in the old days of silver and spice cargoes, and as recently as the two world wars.

It's a fabulous city. My blip is the church and the statue of Vasco da Gama. And yes, it really is that blue.

With careful timing, we managed to get in for a look at the cathedral after the Mass and before they shut it again.

On to the airport for another little hop, this time to Faial.

We were supposed to be going in search of blue whales but it was too foggy. Time to pause for breath before dinner.

This is turning out to be a terrific trip. It's with a company called Voyages Jules Verne. It's good value and I'm delighted to say that the trip has attracted a group of a wide age range, with just under half in their twenties and thirties. tiring but amazing.

Off to the island of Pico tomorrow...... Go, go, go.

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