A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


You gotta know when to hold 'em...know when to fold 'em...know when to walk away...know when to run...

Well who can argue with Kenny Rogers. And as is so often the case making any decision is better than making no decision at all. The decision we have been flip-flopping over since we got here has been whether we should stay, or more specifically how long we should stay for. I think it was fairly quickly apparent it wasn't going to be the full duration which then raises the "when" question. Today we chose the when as Thursday. Hard. But once made felt right and I think helped us all in various ways.

All the various transport logistics sorted remarkably easily we turned our attention on having the best possible next three days. For most of this morning that was a hilarious game of poker which resulted in a bankrupt Anna (and ultimately us all bar Jackson), a lifetime ban on ever going into a casino for "running commentary/no poker face" Jackson and a weird non-capitalist moment for Carlos the Capitalist (as he is affectionately known. For balance, as he reads this he will be calling me a commie under his breath) when he exchanged money for the kids with no charge.

There has also been another splendid game of pool volleyball.

Anna has made a list of all the games in the house, which is 10 if you don't count that a pack of cards contains countless games. We are going to play them all before we go so we completed yesterday's Famous Five mystery puzzle, played StoryCubes over dinner, played Guess Who earlier and Banagrams after dinner.

We may start patenting the speed vacation.

Lesley x

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