
Everyone clean the inside of their bedroom door when a friend who will only sleep in the lounge is coming to visit? You never can tell, so it seems.

She spent the day with my sister and niece today. They had a day of jobs with a park trip and a treat magazine from the supermarket thrown in. The magazine was to entertain Katie whilst I did a job with the niece at the end of my working day.

We returned home because she felt she had unfinished business with some of her clarinet pieces then we headed out to have a coffee/play date with friends. Lydi and Katie ran off to play taking photos with Aunty em's camera. The results were pretty predictable!

She was tired when we came home. I am fighting a something, a cold virus or something, so I thought but my eyes are itchy and she's been complaining today of hurty eyes so I wonder if we are both hay fevery. It doesn't normally plague either of us but it seems a bit coincidental!

Anyway. She's excited for tomorrow. She's going to do a holiday session a the amazing gym two of her buddies go to in the city. She can't wait to try out the air track and the pit.

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