London Town

We loved our day today!! Plus Granny got a bit older, so we did extra fun stuff. 

We headed into the city with Granny and Grandad, depositing them on  their tube headed for the O2 arena to look at Elvis stuff... Katie and I went to Hamley's and Liberty! We then went to the Duke of York theatre and found our lovely friends EmmaF and wee miss. We were totally coincidentally both booked  to see Hetty Feather and both booked to sit a row apart! We ended up sat together for the second half. The girls were just thrilled to see each other. After the show (which was fabulous) we went for a nice lunch. At which point lovely Sarah arrived too! The girls had an amazing time with a street performer doing ginormous bubbles. They then had a super fabulous time in the Leicester Square fountain. Katie got completely sodden. Ended up wearing a jumper and a scarf as a sarong. 

We then went to Borough Market, meeting Granny and Grandad. Katie found a honey stall and tried every single honey they had on sale. And many she tried twice. They tolerated her very kindly! We had a good wander before going to the Golden Hind. Uncle Simon appeared then!! We went to the George Inn, a gorgeous old pub with connections to Shakespeare and Dickens. Katie's first pub trip. 

After saying goodbye to the last of the friends who'd spent some of the day with us, Katie, Granny, Grandad, Uncle Simon, Alicia and I headed to Tooting to a really fabulous Italian restaurant with Aunty Kay, Uncle Chris, Tom and James. A gorgeous meal, good company and good fun. 

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