Tiny Tuesday - White on White

Not my usual kind of blip at all.  

I was in the Park this morning (3 times in 3 days) and the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and butterflies flying.  Unfortunately I didn't get the time to do any photography - but thought no problems.  Lots to see in the garden.

By the time I got home after shopping the sky was starting to close in, and OH, NO - more rain on the way!

So I just wandered around the garden a bit, and saw a couple of lone blossoms on our almost almond (predictive text, such a nuisance) tree, pointed up and shot this again the grey sky.

I thought it came out kind of interesting.

And ..... I've just found out that it's Blipper's Choice again this week for Tiny Tuesday.  So look at all the entries and let osuzanna know of your top two selections as a comment by no later than Thursday midnight Eastern Daylight time (US).

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